Jonathan Gregory Founder, Music Director, Conductor and Organist

Jonathan Gregory studied organ & choir training with Martindale Sidwell, viola and piano at the Royal Academy of Music where he won the Herbert Kiver Prize, while resident at the Royal School of Church Music at Addington Palace. After the Academy, he graduated from Cambridge University, where he was Organ Scholar at Clare College, and studied with Gillian Weir (organ), John Rutter (composition and history), David Willcocks, Jean Mackie (piano) and others. Jonathan was Cathedral Organist in Leicester and Belfast, and Director of Music at Great St Mary’s, University Church, Cambridge.
He founded the UK-Japan Music Society & the UK-Japan Choir in 1992 to promote cross cultural understanding between Japan & Britain through music, and initiated the UK-Japan Consort in 2017 to support young professional musicians from Japan & UK in their early careers. He has conducted the Bach passions, Christmas Oratorio, Handel’s Messiah, Britten’s War Requiem, music from Japan, etc., released CDs and made BBC Radio 3 broadcasts. He has given organ recitals in UK, Japan, Europe and Asia. Jonathan is an ABRSM examiner, having worked in Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia regularly as well as in UK, and he is currently Director of Music at St Mary’s Church, Monken Hadley, London, and also an associate organist for other London churches.
He is a Fellow of the Royal College of Organists, and an Associate of the Royal Academy of Music. He was given the distinguished Honour of the Order of the Rising Sun by His Imperial Majesty, the Emperor of Japan in 2011.
ジョナサン・グレゴリー 創設者、音楽監督・指揮 、パイプオルガン
Summer Concert at Yamaha Piano Hall in London – June 2023

Jonathan’s Organ Recital at the Church of the Advent, Boston, US – May 2023

Ambassador Hayashi and Jonathan Gregory at Commendation Ceremony – March 2023

Photo Gallery 2011-2021

Julian Gregory Deputy Music Director, Tenor

Julian Gregory started his singing career at the age of 8 as a boy chorister at St John’s College, Cambridge, under the legendary Dr. Christopher Robinson. Following five years as a Music Scholar at Eton College and a Choral Scholarship at Norwich Cathedral, he returned to St John’s in 2009 to read Music as a tenor Choral Scholar and violinist Instrumental Scholar. After graduating from Cambridge University, Julian spent a year studying German at Heidelberg University, and went on to the Royal Academy of Music. There he completed his Masters with Distinction in Vocal Performance studying with Neil Mackie and Ben Johnson, and has since then been awarded an Associateship (ARAM).
In September 2014, Julian took up the tenor position in the internationally renowned vocal sextet, The King’s Singers. He subsequently spends over 200 days away on tour each year, with around 120 concerts annually across six continents. Aside from having the opportunity to perform regularly on many of the world’s most prestigious stages, his personal highlights during his time in the group so far include singing on BBC2’s Carols from King’s on Christmas Eve 2020; the launch of TKS’ Finding Harmony project, which celebrates music that has brought communities together around the world and throughout the ages, in the face of hardship; co-founding The King’s Singers’ Global Foundation; and leading on the group’s PR & cultural relations with Japan.
Away from his singing and KS commitments, Julian is the Assistant Director of the UK-Japan Music Society, which lies close to his heart with his half-English, half-Japanese heritage; it brings together musicians from both countries and culminates in regular concerts across Europe and Japan. He is also a keen squash player, which helps keep him fit and overcome jet-lag between tours.
ジュリアン・グレゴリー 副音楽監督・テナー
2014年9月、ジュリアンは世界的に著名なアカペラ・男声アンサンブル、「ザ・キングズ・シンガーズ」のテナー歌手としてスタートし、毎年200日ほど海外で120公演演奏している。世界中六大陸のあらゆる素晴らしい会場で演奏しているが、最近特に好評を博したのは、2020年12月、ケンブリッジ大学キングズ・カレッジでのBBC放送「クリスマス・イブにキングズ・カレッジからキャロルを歌う」出演や、何世紀にも渡り、世界中で苦難に直面した人々を音楽が繋げて来たことをテーマとするFinding Harmony プロジェクトを立ち上げたこと、キングズ・シンガーズ・グローバル・ファウンデーションを創設して、世界中で恵まれない人々や子供達に音楽のすばらしさを知ってもらう基金のセットアップ、日本に於ける広報や文化交流が記憶に新しい。
Photo Gallery 2023

Recent Photo Gallery 2020-2022

Photo Gallery 2018-2021

Victoria Meteyard, UK-Japan Consort Leader, soprano

Victoria Meteyard began singing as a chorister at St Mary’s Collegiate Church, Warwick, and went on to study a joint-honours degree in Mathematics and Music at Royal Holloway, University of London, as a Choral Scholar. Since graduating in 2016, Victoria has been enjoying a busy life in London as an ensemble and solo soprano, whilst studying with Julie Kennard.
She sings regularly with professional ensembles such as Tenebrae, The Sixteen, The Tallis Scholars, The Marian Consort and is a member of the Chapel Choir of HM Tower of London, as well as the Erebus Ensemble and the Eric Whitacre Singers. Victoria toured to France, Switzerland, Germany, The Netherlands and Hungary with Tenebrae, toured to US with The Tallis Scholars. She tours regularly in Europe, north America, Australia and New Zealand.
Victoria also enjoys performing as a soloist. Recent highlights include Vivaldi Gloria, Fauré Requiem, Handel Dixit Dominus and Monteverdi Vespers at the Clifton International Festival of Music, Bach B Minor Mass at St Martin-in-the-Fields with St Martins Voices and the Academy of St-Martin-in-the-Fields, Beethoven Mass in C at St Mary’s Warwick and a recital tour of English and Japanese Song around Japan in 2019 with the UK-Japan Music Society. She frequently sings the famous high solo in Allegri Miserere with Tenebrae and The Sixteen, and has recorded it for the Stay At Home Choir and Self Isolation Choir. Victoria is also Leader of the UK-Japan Consort, a group of young professional musicians, both singers and instrumentalists in the UK-Japan Music Society.
Aside from performing, Victoria teaches Singing at Putney High School and enjoys leading vocal workshops for youth choirs and choral societies.
ビクトリア・メテヤード 日英コンソート・リーダー、ソプラノ
ビクトリアはソリストとしての仕事もエンジョイしている。最近の歌唱としては、ヴィヴァルディ「グロリア」、フォーレ「レクイエム」、ヘンデル「デキシット・ドミヌス」、モンティヴェルディの「ヴェスパース」など、クリフトン・インターナショナル・フェスティヴァル・オブ・ミュージック、セント・マーティンズのセントマーティンズ・ヴォイスおよびアカデミー・オブ・セントマーティンズ・イン・ザ・フィールドとバッハの「ロ単調ミサ」、ウオーリックのセント・メアリー教会でベートーベンの「イ長調のミサ」、2019年日英音楽協会と日本各地でイギリスおよび日本の歌曲のリサイタルツアーを行い好評を博した。ビクトリアは、テネブレやザ・シックスティーンと有名な高いドの音を歌うアレグリのミゼレレをテネブレやザ・シックスティーンと歌っているほか、コロナ禍ロックダウン中は、Stay at home Choir や Self-isolation Choir と一緒に歌った。同時に、日英音楽協会ではプロフェッショナルな若手音楽家の集まりである日英コンソートのリーダーを務めている。
Spring Concert at the Embassy of Japan – March 2023

At the Emperor’s Birthday Reception 2023

Photo Gallery 2019-2022